Weight Loss
Personalized To
Your Genes


Facts about weight loss...

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

That Depends on the “What,” the “How,” and the “Why” of Weight Loss How long it takes to lose weight depends on many factors beyond simply how much weight you want to lose.  Obviously, losing 5 pounds should take a lot less time to lose than 50 lbs.  Yet, even when someone aims to lose a modest 5-10 lbs of weight, it may take much longer than anticipated.  Why?  In today’s world, weight loss has become one of the most

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What Is Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics and How Do They Affect Your Diet?

Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics are two red hot areas of scientific research that simply look at the relationship between your diet and your DNA. Foods completely tailored to my unique body? Yes, please! While it may seem like something out of a sci-fi movie, researchers have made great strides over the past two decades, ever since nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics have been a “thing” in the scientific community. Now, let’s get real for a second. Scientists are not there yet; there is

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DNA Diet In 2022: Does It Work?

Yes, a DNA diet, meaning a diet that takes your unique genetics into account, can work if you are looking at the right genes to address your dietary concern. A very simple and straightforward example of a diet that takes your genetics into account is the PKU (phenylketonuria) diet. It’s a diet based on only one genetic variation: a mutation in the gene that encodes for a protein which helps build an enzyme needed by your body to breakdown phenylalanine.

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Can a diet increase your metabolism? Yes!

New research shows at least one type of diet can increase your metabolism after you eat. And, it can result in weight loss. The study, published 3 months ago in JAMA Network Open, found that overweight or obese participants lost 13 pounds after following a low-fat vegan diet for 16 weeks, while their control counterparts, who were asked to maintain their usual dietary habits, did not. This is not surprising; if you put someone on a diet, especially a restrictive

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Further evidence the diet and genetics relationship DOES matter

Body weight and body composition (e.g. fatness) are affected by many, many factors, and there is no singular magic pill for weight loss. Your general health status, stress levels, sleep habits, gut microbiota and of course, activity level, all can affect your body weight. But, so can your genes. And, more and more research continues to support the interplay between your overall diet, your genes and body weight. Case in point? A study published out of Puerto Rico, an island

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Does a low-carb diet work for weight loss?

Yes, a low-carb diet works for weight loss, but before you throw out your apples, oatmeal, and granola bars (okay, that last one can probably go), there are some things you should know: 1) There is no “standard” definition of what actually constitutes a low-carb diet. The keto diet continues to be an extremely popular version of a low-carb diet. In addition to advocating a (very) high-fat diet, it requires one to limit carb intake to <20 – 50 g/d,

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Will Weight Loss Help My Immune System?

Weight loss may help your immune system. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. I wanted to address this topic because recently, I’ve gotten A LOT of questions about diet and immune health. Normally, when people find out I work in nutrition, I get a myriad of questions, usually about how to eat healthier, how to lose weight, does the latest diet craze actually work, or some combination therein. However, as all things *2022,* this is no

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Nuts & Weight Loss. Are They a Good Idea?

Yes! Even if your genetics indicate that a low-fat diet would benefit you most for maximal weight loss, nuts are a great idea and should be included as one of your primary fat sources. (Remember, low fat diets are not “no fat” diets because fat is essential for your health.) Nuts are very high in fat (albeit the “good for you” fat), and thus, very high in calories. So, it seems counterintuitive that eating nuts, even daily, would assist you

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The myth (and truth) about holiday weight gain: what can you really do?

It’s no secret that the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day has the potential to wreak havoc on your weight. But, does it really? According to research, yes, but not as much as you think. The average weight gain in the U.S. during the 8-week holiday period is slightly under a pound, although those already carrying excess weight have been shown to gain even more weight during the holiday season. Just under a pound of weight gain seems insignificant

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Weight Loss?

Omega-3 fatty acids are probably one of those terms you’ve heard about but don’t really know what they are…but, you’re pretty sure they’re good for you. And, you’d be correct. Not only are they good for you, they’re essential for your body to work properly. While there are several different types of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the two that are most talked about and are often found in health food and dietary supplement

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